This issue features “Universal Values for the World Conscience” by Shelley Brown
Vedanta Glossary
Sanskrit and Bengali words, with guide to English pronunciation
More Reviews of CENTRED IN TRUTH
“These volumes, which include many of the Swami’s own writings, are a moving tribute to a deep spiritual seeker whose life and work changed all who knew him, as well as the world at large.”
—The Beacon
“These two volumes are full of important insights. . . . Captures the flavor and the spiritual elegance of the man. . . . Brown is a wonderful compiler and an astute cultural historian.”
—The Book Reader
“Scholars have hailed the work that reveals the global vision of Vedanta and Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s contribution in bringing that vision to life.”
—The Telegraph (Kolkata)
“. . . has been showered with acclaim all over the world. It has been nominated in the Best Religious Book category for the prestigious Grawemeyer Award.”
—Hindustan Times (all-India), “Portrait of a doctor as a mystic.” February 16, 2002
“This prodigious work. . . is a testament to the life of an extraordinary monk who clearly demonstrated the marvellous effect of upholding an ideal throughout his long life.”
—Eve Wright, Book Review, Vedanta (England)
“In her richly detailed biography and selection of writings and reminiscences, Dr. Shelley Brown has given us an unparalleled portrait of a swami of the Ramakrishna Order notable for the originality of his thought and for the vigor with which he acted for the realization of his ideas. . . . A meticulously researched and beautifully written biography and an inspiring anthology, with interesting photographs and a well done index for each volume.”
—Steven F. Walker, Sri Sarada Society Newsletter
“It is no simple task to capture the spirit of a great man and his contributions in a single work. Any yet, author Shelley Brown has seeming accomplished this if Centred in Truth: The Story of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda. . . immensely appealing.
—Cliff Johnson, American Vedantist
“. . . Centred in Truth: The Story of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda, a large, important work on the swami and the early history of the Institute [Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture].”
—Editorial, American Vedantist
“Stupendous amount of research. . . . (Shelley Brown’s) prose is lucid, beautiful, and expressive. The literary quality of this eleven-hundred page book gives it a poetic appeal.”
—Pavitra Kumar Ghosh, Saptahik Bartamaan (Kolkata)
“Nitya-swarup-ananda (1899 1992) was a monk of the Ramakrishna Order who believed in the spiritual unity of world religions. He founded the Institute of Culture in Calcutta and developed it into a major cultural, spiritual, and international center. The first volume of Brown’s set is a biography of this powerhouse of a monk. Following him through to the publication of his last work on the day he died at age 93, it shows him to be a man of action with a global vision, great personal integrity, and a zest for life. Volume 2 reveals different aspects of his thought and personality through selections of his writings and the reminiscences and memorial tributes of people from different walks of life. Brown, a Manhattan hematologist and Vedantist, met Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda in 1987, and their friendship continued until the end of his life. This moving and inspiring biography will appeal to general readers with an interest in Vedanta and Eastern religions, but it is especially appropriate for academic libraries and specialized collections.”
—Library Journal
“Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda (1899-1992) was a famous and brilliant monk of the Ramakrishna Order who founded and developed the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in Calcutta, India. Centered in Truth is an outstanding two-volume testament to his life and wisdom. Volume One (654 pages) presents his fascinating biography, including two visits to the United States. Volume Two (474 pages) is a collection of his personal writings, commentaries and memorial lecture programmes in his honor. Shelley Brown became a Vedantist in 1953 and began a spiritual dialogue with Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda that continued until the day he died and therefore is the perfect choice for presenting this great man’s life, thought, and accomplishments to a western readership. Highly Recommended.”
—Midwest Book Review
“In Centered in Truth: The Story of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda, Vedanta devotee Shelley Brown profiles the Indian monk who founded the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in Calcutta. Volume 1 is a biography. . . while volume 2 is a collection of his selected writings and lectures, alongside the fond reminiscences of friends. This is a loving. . . tribute.”
—Publishers Weekly
“This biography gives the impartial seeker an insight into the great mind and heart and spirit of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda.”
—Joseph A. D’Souza, S.J., the late Superior of the Bangladesh Jesuit Mission and former Principal of St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata
“The book is a great achievement, as well as a remarkable labor of love. It has great value not only as a tribute to the personality and spirituality of Swami Nityaswarupananda but also as a history of an important chapter in the history of the Ramakrishna order.
—Dr. Jerome J. Pollitt, Sterling Professor Emeritus of Classical Archaeology and History of Art, Yale University, and author of Art and Experience in Classical Greece
“(Shelley Brown’s) carefully researched and written volumes should become standard references for devotees, students, and scholars interested in the Ramakrishna Movement.”
—Dr. Carl T. Jackson, University of Texas, El Paso; author of The Oriental Religions and American Thought and Vedanta for the West
“Dr. Shelley Brown has won the gratitude of all our people. . . .”
—Shankar Lal Bhattacharjee, Sananda Magazine (India)
“Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda was no ordinary monk and Centred in Truth is a remarkable biography about this brilliant visionary who found and developed the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture in Kolkata. . . ”
—Statesman (Kolkata)
“Shelley Brown’s profound understanding of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s worldview comes out very vividly in each and every line of this two-volume book. . . . In future, those who wish to do any kind of research on the Ramakrishna Math and Mission should go through these volumes very carefully.”
—Hossainur Rahman, Sambad Pratidin (Kolkata)
“The two-volume Centred in Truth: The Story of Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda has just been published and is in great demand in Kolkata.”
—Sunday Times of India
“. . . throws light upon the practical approach to the Vedanta.”
—Hindustan Times (Kolkata)
“Shelley Brown has written the first book on the man who set up the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture.”
—Sunday Times of India (Kolkata)
“Anecdotes on Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s eye for artistic detail, interest in quantum physics and love of biryani gave the picture of a monk with a practical bent of mind.”
—Times of India (Kolkata)
“. . . an extraordinary book on Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s ideas and vision.”
—Sambad Pratidin (Kolkata)
Customer Reviews of CENTRED IN TRUTH
“The Divine Providence chose the right person to write the biography of such a noble soul as our ever-living Swami Nityaswarupanandaji.”
—Fr. Anthony Elenjimittam, O.P.,Founder of the Dominican Brotherhood Institute for Inter-Religious Understanding in Mumbai, India, and of the Meditation Centre in Assisi, Italy
“I am grateful to Dr. Shelley Brown for upholding the true spirit of India through her book . . . a great service.”
—Dr. Govinda Gopal Mukherjee, renowned Sanskrit scholar and author, at the Calcutta Press Club, India
“What an achievement! . . . It will be appreciated not only by his devotees and admirers but by future generations.”
—Dr. Amrita Salm, editor of A Portrait of Sri Ramakrishna: Sri Sri Ramakrishna Punthi
“A biography that will last for centuries. . . . It will give heart and backbone to all who read it.”
—Ann Myren, President of the Vivekananda Foundation and co-author of Living at the Source
“. . . a munificent and magnificent book.”
—D.K. Bubbar, Director of Angles Archhitects, Mumbai, India
“Centred in Truth—to read this compelling and beautifully written book is to be infused with courage and inspiration. . . . a historical documentary of immense value.”
—Joan Fox, Calgary, Canada
“What a wonderful book you have written. . . one of the true highlights of my 2001. His [Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s] life shows what steadfast love and devotion to an Ideal can make one accomplish in a short lifetime.”
—Linda Prugh, author of Josephine MacLeod and Swami Vivekananda’s Mission
“I wish to congratulate you on your wonderful, comprehensive book on Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda. It is an inspiring and beautiful example of scholarship and devotion, for which I am very grateful.”
—Edith D. Tipple, contributor to A Concordance to the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
“I am fascinated with Swami Nitya-swarup-ananda’s depth of understanding of the ideal and his lifelong efforts to put it into practice. Your presentation in two volumes is really incredible.”
—Dr. Kusum Walia, Medical Consultant; State of New York
“. . . gripping and inspiring.”
—John Scarborough, Seattle, Washington
“. . . should be required reading.”
—Dr. Betty Robinson, Ocean Grove, New Jersey
“Daily readings of Centred in Truth are giving me such joy and inspiration!
—Mary Tamraz
“You have left for posterity the portrait of a world citizen. . . ”
—Professor Parimal Kar
“I am fascinated and inspired by the biography and reminiscences.”
—Beatrice C. Johnson (Sarvamangalao)